Streets of Chance

🧩 Make Formatting Easier: Add a Style Widget and Prettifier on Bear Blog!

Last Updated: 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Would you like your bear blog markdown text and html to be prettier, with one-click style buttons at your disposal?

This is what my post editor looks like instead of the simple text box:

My Bear Blog Markdown Editor

As you can see, the single-line widget and uninvasive prettifier for markdown and HTML make editing so much easier!

Add EasyMDE to Bear Blog

Adding this is very simple. Just follow these steps:

1. Copy the following code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script>new EasyMDE({element: document.getElementById('body_content')});</script>

2. Navigate to the Customize Dashboard Page

You can do this via the Customize Dashboard page. On the site, this is located on the main Dashboard page as below:

Select Customize Footer Link

Once you are there, simply copy the above code block into the Dashbord Footer Content block as I have done here:

Customize Dashboard Footer

And that's it! You're done! Congratulations on your integrated Markdown editor!

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